Dollar General Penny List for Nov 28, 2023

Before I get to the Dollar General penny list for tomorrow, I want to make sure all my readers understand that the store is supposed to pull the penny items from the sales floor.  Penny items are not supposed to be there … stores get busy (some just don’t bother pulling).  We get what they miss.

Please do not go in asking where the penny items are located.  When you locate items that are on the list, scan the item with your DG app.  If the price says 0.00 or 0.01, then they should ring that way at the register.  If they do not ring a penny at the register, you CANNOT get them for a penny.  Just ask them to take them off your order and that you don’t want them.  Do NOT insist that they change the price to a penny … do not argue.  Move on.

We do not have any affiliation with Dollar General and they can change things up at any time.  They can and have canceled scheduled penny lists in the past.

Also, please do not make a mess and be kind to the employees.  It is NOT their fault if things don’t go as planned.  Sometimes they don’t even know what is supposed to penny or they can’t find the item.  Most Dollar General employees work hard and we should not be adding to their work.

So, here is the list:

I am most likely not going out shopping tomorrow, but I wish you all luck!  Also, scan similar items on end caps and in clearance … you might just find some surprise pennies!

Good luck and happy shopping!