Dollar General – recent surprise pennies!

I put together a couple graphics with some of the surprise pennies that are being found recently.  There have been so many that I can hardly keep up!  Some of the items are actually following Halloween, but they don’t look like Halloween so they could easily be missed by shoppers. These are items that are not on any scheduled Dollar General penny list, so employees could easily miss them too.

Other items just seem to be random surprise pennies.

There seems to be a lot of items being found in the $1 aisle.  Use your Dollar General app and match them up to the pictures, and then scan to confirm.  Or, just scan random items.  You never know.  Just be sure not to make a mess while you are in the store.  I’m sure there are other penny items that I have missed, but here are some to look for:

Here are more pictures of new surprise penny finds.  These are in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder:

Ramen 12 pack is chicken and beef.

I do not have pictures for these … any help is appreciated.

Thank you to everyone for posting your finds.  This really helps me to keep up!  Most of these are now in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.  They may be a little slow updating, but if you have the app, you should be seeing them in there soon.

Happy shopping!