Dollar General Surprise Penny Ice Cream!

Check it out! (And, thank you Bonnie for letting me know!)  The 12 count mini Kit Kat Ice Cream is ringing up as a penny at Dollar General.  Remember that this could reset at any time.

It also looks like Dollar General is messing with their app again for penny items.  If you recall a while back, they tried to change penny items to “see store for price” … well, they are at it again.

It scans in the Dollar General app as 0.00 which does NOT in itself mean that it’s a penny, but if you scan with the screen in the app that says “start scanning” … when it adds it to your cart, it comes up as “see store for price”.

If for some reason they do not ring up as a penny, PLEASE put them back immediately!  Since the one blogger went on the news, I guess Dollar General’s response is to try to make it harder to know what is a penny.  Anyway, good luck!

Happy shopping!