FREE DeLallo Calendar!

I have no affiliation with DeLallo, but I want to say up front if I am a connoisseur of anything, it’s of pickled pepperocinis.  Okay, maybe I’m not an expert, but I know what I like.

The only pepperocinis that I really like are DeLallo “Hot” Pepperocinis.  I have found no other that are even nearly as good, then again, with all honestly, I probably haven’t tastes all pepperocinis that are out there on the market.  Even DeLallo Mild Pepperocinis are not nearly as good as their hot variety.  There are only a couple places close by that sell the hot ones, Shop’n Save and Giant Eagle.  So, coupons are always welcome.

So, sign up for a free calendar and print a couple coupons!

FREE 2021 DeLallo Calendar

If you are printing the coupon, the date that it expires is 12/31/2020, so don’t print it if you aren’t going to use it by tomorrow.  You can always check back after the new year to see if they have a new coupon though.

Printable DeLallo Coupon – $1 off any one DeLallo product

I also use the hot pepperocini brine (after the peppers are all eaten) to pickle a few eggs.  They are amazing in the brine too!  I do have a hard time leaving them in the brine  – they are so good I want to eat them right away.

Happy shopping!