FREE Oral B Indicator Toothbrush this week at Dollar General!

Check out this freebie with digital coupon!  The Oral B Indicator toothbrush is only $2 and there is a $2 digital coupon available, making it absolutely free!  YMMV.  Prices  may vary slightly by store and sales tax may apply.

If you don’t know how to use Dollar General digital coupons, you need to make an account first.

DG Digitals

You must clip your coupons to use them.  They do not automatically get added to your account.

This is the coupon that was redeemed on the toothbrush above.

When you are checking out at the register, you will need to put the phone number associated with the account in the pin pad.  Your coupon should come off.  You can check in the store with the DG app to find the correct item for the coupon.  Just scan the product with the scanner function and scroll down below the product.  It should say what deals will attach.  If it’s a coupon, be sure to clip it!

That’s it!

Happy shopping!