Giant Eagle clearance – check your store!

Before I say anything about the clearance that I found, I want to stress that this is a HUGE YMMV.  Giant Eagle stores vary greatly on clearance from one store to another.  What I found, you might not find in your store at all, or it may be full price.

You can go to and check your store for clearance items.  First you will want to set your store to see what the particular store has on sale or clearance.

You can check items that I purchased, or you can do random searches on your own.

You can browse the aisles for clearance tags, but occasionally an item is missed and not tagged!  This is when you get the best deals!

Here are some tagged clearance in the store:

I suggest when you find really good clearance, to go to the website and search for similar items such as frozen bread or even just “frozen” to see what else comes up.  Then change to view by “price” so it is low to high.

I was actually looking at to see what cereals were included in the “$1.88 cereals when you buy 4 this week”.  So I searched for cereal and came across a couple cereals for under a dollar! Anytime I find really good clearance like this, I also take walk through the store looking for tags to see what else is marked down.

I think there is an Ibotta rebate on the Bob’s Red Mill.  Double check to be sure it’s the right product.

And again, sorry to anyone who shops at the same store as I do, I did buy all but 1 of the unmarked Froot Loops!  I did not buy the Honey Ohs or any of the granola though.

If you get the Kellogg’s Wild Berry Froot Loops or even the Kellogg’s sale cereal this week, be sure to add your receipts to your KFR account!

I bought 4 of these Annies Chewy Bars too … also unmarked!

I also bought 2 of the Armour Meatballs.

Check out your store and let us know what you are finding!

It seems to me that when the items actually make it to the clearance cart or clearance shelves, they aren’t as big of a discount. So find them on the shelves!

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