I found the Genova Clearance Tuna at my Giant Eagle!

This Genova tuna is one of the items that I saw a clearance tag for in my store, but there was nothing in it’s place.  So I went to Giant Eagle today and decided to check again.  Guess what.  It was in the wrong place!  I checked the UPC online before going to the store and matched it up.

Genova Albacore Tuna with Sea Salt.  It was only 69¢ a can on clearance!  So, yes, I bought them all.  Sorry, locals!

I was also excited to find fresh oyster mushrooms!  I bought two nice packs!  They were very reasonably priced too.  I find them occasionally at Giant Eagle, but they don’t always look this nice.

And then one more thing … they RESTOCKED the 87¢ clearance Wild Berry Froot Loops!  (Still unmarked on the shelf.) And, no, I did not buy any more of these as I used all my coupons.   There are coupons available to print though if you haven’t used them yet!

Anyway, I consider it was a good night for my quick shop at Giant Eagle!

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