Kayak Barbie w/ Puppy under $12 right now online only!

I added this Barbie with Kayak (and puppy) to my Walmart cart last night so I knew what to look for today at Walmart.  I found it at Walmart and it was $21.99 when online it showed only $11.91 online.  So, my phone went dead pretty quick after scanning a bunch of stuff in store and I couldn’t remember how much it was when I added it to my Walmart cart, I just wanted that particular Barbie for my granddaughter.

So, anyway we purchased it for the $21.99 and now I have to return it as I do have Walmart+ which gives me free shipping and it’s almost half the price I paid in store.  So, I can ship it to her with no extra cost.

So, anyway, I need a new phone and wasn’t a a very savvy shopper today.  But, here is the link to the Barbie:

Barbie It Takes Two Daisy Doll & Kayak Set 

Barbie stuff is pretty hot right now.  There was another man in the store looking at this particular Barbie too.

Happy shopping!