Pantry Coupons on Tide, Downy, Gain

If you like Tide, Downy, and Gain, you might want to check out the new coupons on Amazon.  You can only use each coupon once.  Be sure to check your discounts at checkout to see if each coupon comes off.

It’s almost the end of the month and the “buy more save more” promotion is set to end tomorrow (July 31).  Amazon added some new coupon for products that qualify for that promotion too!

My scenerio:

1 Tide, 1 Downy, 1 Gain, and 2 of the Downy Infusions.




Gain Flings

Additional items that qualify for the “buy more save more” promotion. You will need 5 items to get the extra $5 off, 10 to get the extra $10 off, and 15 to get the $15 off.

Ultra Downy Infusions

Buy 5, save $5
Buy More, Save More. Save $5 off 5, $10 off 10 and $15 off orders of 15 qualifying items in Prime Pantry. Shop qualifying selection at

Remember that Amazon can change prices and promotions at any time.

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