Rite Aid freebies: Lysol, Airwick and Colgate

Rite Aid deals thru 10/26/19

Colgate tootpaste sale $3.50

-$3 in ad store coupon

-50 cents mfr insert coupon from 10/20 Smartsource

=Free (just pay applicable tax)

Select Lysol cleaners and/or airwick scented oil starter kit

Sale 2/$5

Buy 2 get $4 bonus cash (limit 2-means you can buy 4 items total, mix or match, and get back $8)

Without any coupons, it makes them 50 cents each. But use mfr coupons to lower your out of pocket to make them free or even small moneymakers.

50 cents/1 or $1/2 lysol wipes mfr insert coupon from 10/14 Smartsource.

$2.50/2 Airwick scented oil starter kit

Airwick and lysol coupons

I bought 35 ct wipes, multi purpose spray and an Airwick scented oil starter kit.

Note: this was not advertised in my local circular but the deal shows online and should be tagged in store-once they get all the tags up for the week.



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