Small Walmart Art Supplies Shopping Haul

I wondered around Walmart this morning checking for deals and looking for something for my granddaughter’s birthday.  Well, I did find some good deals on craft supplies.  A lot of the prices on the shelves had not been updated and the items rang better than priced.

Remember to scan clearance with the Walmart App to see what the current price is.  I also got a cute fuzzy unicorn backpack for only $3 and a Steelers backpack for only $5!

Here are the craft supplies that I got today.  Stores vary greatly for clearance, so remember YMMV.


The large Crayola coloring pages were $1 each.  I got PJ Masks and Shopkins.

The Silly Scents markers were $4.

Neon Colored pencils 50¢.

Assorted Elmer’s glue (select items) 75¢ each

Glitter Glue pack $1.

I also bought a slime kit for $4, I think the regular price was $8.  Just go look and see what you can find.  I had to get an employee to get the glitter glue from the top shelf for me.  I couldn’t reach it.

My store also has 24 count packs of CraZart crayons for 67¢ … if you can’t find it on the shelves, check the top shelf as my store has a bunch of stuff up there.

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