UNITED in LOVE: Penny Puss / Dollar General Penny List / Online Shopping / Coronavirus Info

Due to the coronavirus / Covid-19, Penny Puss will not be posting any in-store deals or Dollar General penny lists (if there are any) until further notice.  No one should be out shopping just for fun right now.  Please try to limit your time in the stores to what is necessary to get what you need.  Everyone you come in contact with could be a potential carrier.  Everyone they were in contact with could be a potential carrier.  A person does not have to show symptoms to be contagious.

Remember that we are all in this together and we will get through this together.  Your neighbor, your friend, the stranger in the store – they are not just their political view, their race, their ethnicity, their religion – they are a PERSON.   This person may feel or believe differently than you … but has every right to be the person that they are.   This person may be immune compromised or have a loved one at home immune compromised.  For yourself as well as your community, stay home if you can!

I would like to also ask everyone to stop with the social media posts meant to divide – our nation must unite.  It’s so easy to get a “jab” in, but people are weary and anxious.  Do we really need this?  Whether you agree with the president or not, he is not going to save you from the coronavirus.  You, your community, your fellow Americans (even the ones who are different than you) are going to save you by listening to and following the guidelines set forth.  We are in this together – please stay focused and try to remember that.

The best sources are as follows:

World Health Organization


  • The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

The best way to keep you and your family safe is to be informed.

The CDC also has information about dealing with anxiety and stress.  It would be best to get familiar with the site.

I also wanted to mention that there are a lot of crazy half-true social media posts going around.  No one is giving away free cases of formula … drinking water every 15 minutes is not going to stop the virus.  Please check Snopes.com if you aren’t sure … don’t just pass on something that may or may not be true.

We need the truth more than ever now.

Penny Puss will be posting only online deals … as well as in stock notices on items that you may need.  If you are looking for something in particular, let me know.  With that said, please stay safe and shop online or by pickup and delivery to slowdown the spread!

The President’s Corona Virus Guidelines for America  – although most of this has already changed by stricter local guidance/enforcement now in place.

I hope this post doesn’t sound “preachy” … but we all need to keep our distance as much as possible for the good of our country!

While I am not religious, I find these family farmers to be calming during this time.  Please read their blog post.

Love trumps the Lockdown

There is also a poem by Brother Richard of the Capuchin Franciscans on that post.  I needed that poem.  You may need it too.

Stay safe and let’s unite in love for each other and for our country!
