What can you do when you find expired coupons in a package?

Have you ever opened a package and found that the coupons you were anticipating were expired?  Well, Kati King, an avid couponer, is getting tired of this happening to her.  But what can be done about it?

Kati King called Procter & Gamble when she found the coupons inside the Gain Detergent that she purchased had already expired.  They agreed to replace her coupons, but the coupon values were not as good as the ones in the box.  This happens all the time, not only with coupons inside packages, but even with coupons that are on the outside of packages.  If you are changing your buying habits only to get those coupons, just know that they could possibly be expired.

I personally have never really thought about calling a company because the coupons inside the box have expired, but it’s a great idea!  When you call though, be sure to tell them the exact amount of the coupon that you would like replaced.  I’m not sure this will work for every company, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

These items were purchased at Dollar General.  I guess a lot of people have been complaining lately.  The coupons in this case are $4 to $7 worth of coupons inside!  I can see buying this item instead of another just to get your hands on these coupons if you use these products anyway.  I mean we are all trying to save money, right?

So who is to blame here?  These coupons expired almost 8 months ago!

It doesn’t seem like anyone is getting a straight answer either.  The inside of the product that Kati purchased is dated 24 Jun 2019 and there seems to be some confusion over if this is a production date or as someone called it a “death” date for the product.  Either way, it is quite aggravating when you expect to get these high-value coupons, but they are expired.

You can always look for a phone number or email address on the box or do a quick search for the brand’s customer service number.  In Kati’s case, they sent her 7 $1 coupons … while that is technically the same value, it’s not the same when it comes to couponing.  She really wanted that $5 and $2 coupon.  So, if you call, be sure to tell them what you want in return.  There is no guarantee that they will replace them at all though, I’m sure it depends on the company.  But, most companies do want your repeat business, so I think they would try to make it right.

Kati doesn’t want this to happen to other shoppers.  So she is trying to spread the word about expired coupons inside products and what you can do about them.  If you want to read Kati King’s post, please request to join our Facebook group: Friendly Penny Shopping with Penny Puss.  Just note that if you do not answer the 3 questions, you will not be added.

What makes this even more aggravating, is that companies ESPECIALLY Procter & Gamble have gotten so strict with their coupons.  If you print a coupon on their website, you have until the next day to use it!  Really?  I find this crazy ridiculous!  I might plan a shopping trip with coupons, but life happens and sometimes I don’t get to that particular store for a few days.  Plus, these companies think everyone has their cell phones handy at all times, you have to get a code sent to your phone to even print the coupon.  I guess it is meant to deter coupon misuse and fraud, but to me they are getting people to dislike their company.  It’s a pain in the butt to use their coupons even for people who go by the rules.  Anyway, that is my rant there.  I am glad that I prefer other brands that aren’t so anal about their coupons.

At the same time, I do see where misuse and fraud have become acceptable in many Facebook groups.  Some new couponers are being taught that these “glittering” practices as they call them are fine.  They are not, however, and they hurt the companies.

To me, though, the bottom line lies with the stores.  Stores want to sell products.  Even if a coupon has a limit,  many times stores will allow multiple transactions to take place.  So, not only is this going against the coupon terms, it angers other customers wanting that same deal.  I know that some will say, “first come, first serve” but if the coupons were used correctly this would not be as big of a problem.

While people should have more integrity to use coupons correctly, misuse and abuse will not end until companies hold stores accountable for their coupon redemption practices.

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