Where are all the local clearance shoppers?

Walmart has started marking select back to school supplies down in the past few days and I couldn’t believe how much was left when I went tonight.

Remember that not all stores have the same markdown scheduled, but the local (Belle Vernon) store has stuff as low as 10¢.  I think people are checking out the front where items are marked and not back in F20 and F22 where some of those item are marked down too.

They have tons of the 10¢ single notebooks in the center aisle in boxes on the floor, but I bought a nicer small box that was back in the regular aisle.

The Erasable Crayola Colored Pencils were on a regular shelf too.  I was helping another lady find the clearance in the regular aisle.

The CraZart markers and crayons shown below were also only 10¢ too.  I have just been scanning and scanning to see what all is included.  One clue (but not definite) are the shelf tags that are white and not yellow.  Those items seem to mostly be marking down.

Also, look on top shelves, end caps, and hang strips.

The shelf prices are mostly not the correct prices.

I have also been looking through clothing and scanning everything that looks summer or looks like it doesn’t belong with other stuff and finding a lot of $1 clothing items!

You can check Brickseek.com for trending items at Walmart, but the best thing is to just look through the Walmart app for your store location.  That (and scanning in store) are really the most beneficial to finding clearance in store.

I think shoppers are just looking for what is clearly marked and missing a lot of good stuff!

Happy shopping!