Why was the Penny List a “no go” this week?

I was asked by a couple of new penny shoppers as to “why” the penny list was a “no go” this week.  So, in case anyone else out there wonders:

Dollar General “schedules” penny lists and sends them to the stores so that the employees can pull the items and take them to the backroom to destroy them or send them back to the company.  It all depends on the item.  We report the scheduled lists, but sometimes Dollar General mixes things up.

For instance, the stores were given notice that the Father’s Day balloons were to penny on Monday, they did not penny until Tuesday.  Why?  Well, we have no affiliation with Dollar General and have no idea why they do anything.  They seem to mess up sales and coupons sometimes too.

As the leader in responsible penny shopping, we do NOT make wild guesses and tell people to run out and get something if we are not fairly sure.  But we don’t call the shots at Dollar General.  For an item to be a penny, it has to ring that way at the register.

Even the store employees thought that the two Hostess items would penny on Tuesday.  I think sometimes Dollar General thinks mixing things up a bit will deter penny shoppers.  Well, it may deter new shoppers, but most of us that have been penny shopping for years know their tactics.

But, again, penny shopping could end at any time.  We have no control over what Dollar General does.  While I hope penny shopping doesn’t end, we did see how quickly (after “you know who”) went on a Texas news television station and touted penny shopping.  That is the first rule in penny shopping –  NOT to talk about it!  What the hell was he thinking?

And, back to the “best info” given out.  When we were the first to put out that “not a penny” list about 2 weeks ago, I knew “most” items on it were pennies, but not all.  I did not want people to take stuff to the register without checking in the Dollar General app.  That’s how we roll here.  Maybe you don’t like the “better safe than sorry”, but I feel responsible when people are led in the wrong direction.  In fact, that is why I started posting about penny shopping and the penny lists back in 2014.  There was so much misinformation … there were even people giving out FAKE penny lists.  Yes, that did happen!  And, who suffers?  Yes, the employees – the overworked, underpaid, employees.

As Penny Puss is responsible with our end of penny shopping, we expect you to be responsible too.  I hear so many stories of penny shoppers making messes.  And, while you may say it’s not all penny shoppers, sure, but it is SOME penny shoppers.  Don’t think employees don’t know you are a penny shopper … especially if you are a regular.  They know, and “most” don’t care, unless you make a mess.  There are always exceptions though.

And, if you are reading this, I want to make clear that I am not “mad” about the other “someone” trying to trademark the words “the penny list”.  (I was told she said that I was mad.)  /insert eyeroll/  It seems futile and silly.  How is she supposed to defend it?  If you are a blogger, website owner, youtuber … whatever and use the words “the penny list”, you also must see that she is trying to usurp authority over words we all use.  Anyway, I have no ill will towards her or anyone else.  I am just tired of the games people play to try to get ahead.

Well, I think you got a little more than you bargained for on this post.  I hope my rant didn’t go too far … and I hope penny shopping hasn’t been ruined.  And, I hope the trademark office realizes that we all use “the penny list” and will still be able to use it freely forever!

Instead of this whole post … I guess that I could have just said, I have no idea why Dollar General does anything they do.  And, if you did read this – thanks for listening!

The main ongoing penny list is here:

Dollar General Penny Shopping Penny List 

Happy shopping!