Woo Hoo! Penny Cheerios online at Dollar General!

Okay, you are not going to be able to replicate this because I bought the last 6 boxes, but you CAN get the glue stick deal!  The Cheerios were from the Dollar General Penny List July 16th!  I just had to brag about the Cheerios though because getting pennies online at DG is a bonus!

Dollar General has been pretty good about removing the penny list items from their website, but occasionally they miss something!  So, I’ll break down my savings for you.

Here is my order:

The Cheerios is self-explanatory.  The glue sticks are 50¢ each or 4 for $1.  So you get an extra $1 off per every 4 … or 25¢ per item discount each, but you have to buy 4 or more to get that discount.

30 glue sticks at $15 – $7 (I think I could have added 2 more glue sticks for $7.50 off).  Then $5 off $15 school supplies!  So $3 plus shipping for 30 glue sticks!

There is also a $5 off $25 today for online shopping at Dollar General, but it does not work with the glue sticks.  It takes this savings off and just subtracts $5, so you are better off not using it if you are purchasing the school supplies.

Also, there are free shipping codes on various websites including Retail Me Not, and they do NOT work.  They have not worked for WEEKS!  I used to really like that website, but it seems that they either don’t care or have gotten lax.  If anyone knows of a better site to look for codes, please let me know!

Thanks, and happy shopping!

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