Dollar General Penny List for Dec 22!

Happy Solstice!  Today is the shortest day of the year … and that means, obviously, that the days will start getting longer.  Ah, I can’t wait until spring to start gardening again!  If you are in my penny group on Facebook, you know that I took yesterday off.  My son brought my granddaughter over Saturday and we kept her through Sunday evening.  Sunday was our Christmas.

Her elf (Sparkle) even followed her to our house … sitting in the wreath outside the window on the front door Sunday morning!  Since the elf loses her magic if you touch her, I am glad I locked the door and didn’t have to leave her in. 😉

It was a great weekend – my granddaughter hadn’t stayed over in a while.

The holidays are a little different for a lot of people this year and it’s okay to be sad and it’s okay to miss people.  Pick up the phone, send a card, use social media, or even video technology on your phone or computer to connect.  In my family, we usually have three holiday get togethers this time of year – Solstice, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Day or Eve (New Year’s varies).  My holiday is solstice.  I usually have my sister, her family, and my grandma over on solstice for a lobster tail / seafood boil with corn on the cob and potatoes.  We always have a good time and I look forward to it every year.  This year, it’s just going to be my husband and I.  And, it will most likely be just my husband and I through New Year’s too.  I love my husband, but I am definitely missing getting together with the rest of my family.

Okay, enough about me, back to the penny list!

The Dollar General penny list for December 22nd is “Harvest”.

Harvest including “perfect harvest”, red diamond on tags, Thanksgiving looking items should penny December 22nd.

There are some exclusions, but anything that has been marking down with harvest all along should be included.  The football paper plates and napkins have been full price all along and will most likely not be included when they penny either, but you never know about surprise pennies, so it doesn’t hurt to check.

Here are some items that I purchased at 90% this past week and should penny tomorrow:

If you want to check a Harvest UPC to see if your store pennies in the morning, just scan this UPC with the Dollar General app (or put the number in manually).

This UPC is for a “perfect harvest” cotton chindi rug originally $5.00:

If you have an NCI store (Home Store), be sure to check items that look like fall.  Also, there are usually exclusions.  The one exclusion that I found the other day was the red diamond decorative storage boxes.  They were still full price.

Happy shopping and happy holidays!