Dollar General Penny List for June 8th!

There is a new penny list out for June 8th at Dollar General.  Although there are only 3 items on the list, there is always the possibility of surprise penny items.

Please look carefully at the sizes.  I believe there are two sizes in the Clover Valley Chocolate Chip Cookies and two sizes in the Clover Valley Trail Mix.  You will need to look for the correct size product.

The last time I saw the Xochitl Tortilla Chips in the store, they were expired.  Hopefully some of you can find some with a good date.  Remember that the store can deny sale of expired food.

The ongoing penny list can be found here:

Dollar General ongoing Penny List

Purple Dot home should go to 70% off too!

Always verify with Dollar General’s app in store to check prices.  We have no affiliation with Dollar General and only know for certain the same way you do about verified penny items – when the items scan for a penny at the register.

Happy shopping!