Master List: Dollar General Penny Lists for Penny Shopping!
This post is for updating the Dollar General Penny Lists for Penny Shopping each week! See the links below for the most recent list.
If you are looking for the most updated penny list, you have the right place. We post all the penny lists in one place, so if you miss a penny list post, you can come back to this post and see a list of all past penny shopping lists. Whether you are looking for regular or NCI “home” store penny lists. They are all here!
First off, you may wonder “What is penny shopping?” Read this post and you will learn about penny shopping. This post also has links to previous penny lists and we refer to this post as the “ongoing penny list”. This is for Dollar General penny shopping only. The penny list is updated at least weekly with scheduled pennies. If there is no penny list, we will post that too.
If you are new to penny shopping at Dollar General, this is the main post for the penny lists. We are not affiliated with Dollar General and they can change things up at any time. We only know for sure when an item is scanned at the register. If it does not scan a penny, you cannot purchase it for a penny. Penny items scan as $0.00 in the DG app, but Dollar General sometimes messes with that too. The Dollar General app is fairly accurate on pricing, but there have been exceptions.
- Please do not make a mess in the store.
- Do not hide items.
- Do not go into the back room.
DG’s policy is to sell products that are on the “sales floor”. The penny items are supposed to be pulled from the shelf and either disposed of or sent back. We find what is missed.
I’ve seen people ask, “can I be arrested for penny shopping”. No, it is Dollar General’s policy to sell penny items if they are on the sales floor. They do not allow you to go back for more though.
Be respectful to the employees.
What are penny days? Items usually penny on Tuesdays but can penny any day. We have seen this happen from time to time. Most items that are no longer to be sold do not reset back to full price, but again, they can. Seasonal products may reset back to full price if they are going to get them back in the following year.
The new penny list will be available in this post when we have it ready.
Follow our group and sign up for our emails to see what other people are finding.
When items penny, they have usually already been on clearance a while and may be hard to find.
This is the master penny list and each week’s post is included on this post for easy reference.
You may hear about colored dots, stars, or other shapes – this is how Dollar General codes many of their non-core products. They use these codes when they have a sale or markdowns to identify the products more easily. For example: Blue star toys were on sale recently and eventually they will go to a penny … not in the next few weeks, but eventually. But, they will be replaced after that with new blue star toys that will be full price. Toys usually have a few years before they penny. Other symbols like red, purple, green, and brown dot on housewares usually penny yearly and then are reintroduced the next season. There are other symbols both at regular stores and at NCI stores. Some items don’t have a symbol on it’s tag and we just scan them in the app to see if they are included in any of the markdowns. The DG app does scan for real time prices!
—-> Penny Puss 2.0 App with upcoming remodel locations
Additional Feb 4, 2025 Penny List
Jan 27, 2025 Penny List for “select” stores, keep checking on Mondays if your store didn’t penny yet.
Jan 21, 2025 penny and quarter list!
Jan 10, “select” stores Penny List
June 18, 2024 Penny List
May 28, 2024 Penny List
May 21, 2024 Penny List
May 17, 2024 Surprise Penny List
May 14, 2024 Penny List
April 30, 2024 Penny List
April 9, 2024 Penny List
April 2, 2024 Penny List
March 19, 2024 Penny List
March 5, 2024 Penny List
Feb 26, 2024 Penny List and new markdowns!
Feb 9, 2024 Surprise pennies!
Feb 6, 2024 Penny List
Sep 5, 2023 Penny List
Aug 29, 2023 Penny List
Aug 22, 2023 Penny List
Aug 15, 2023 Penny List
Aug 1, 2023 Surprise penny list
July 4, 2023 penny list
June 27, 2023 penny list
June 20, 2023 penny list
June 6, 2023 penny list
May 30, 2023 No penny list
May 23, 2023 Penny List
May 16, 2023 Surprise Penny List
Jan 3, 2023 – No scheduled Penny List
Jan 1, 2023 – New Year’s Eve mylar balloons including stick balloons.
Nov 15, 2022 Surprise Penny List
Nov 9, 2022 Surprise Penny List
Oct 18, 2022 Surprise Penny List
Sep 27, 2022 Surprise Penny List
Sep 13, 2022 NCI only stores Penny List
Dollar General Penny List for Tuesday, Aug 23!
Additional Dollar General Deals —->
Dollar General – Penny List for Tuesday, Aug 16th w/ Visuals!
Aug 8 Dollar General Penny List
Aug 9 Dollar General: Surprise Pennies – not on Penny List!
Dollar General Penny List for Tuesday, Aug 9!
Dollar General Penny List for Aug 2, 2022
Dollar General Penny List for July 12!
Dollar General Surprise Pennies July 6
Dollar General Surprise Pennies July 5!
Dollar General Penny List for July 5th!
Dollar General Penny List for June 28th!
Surprise pennies at Dollar General June 24!
Dollar General – a couple SURPRISE pennies!
Dollar General Penny List for June 14, 2022
Penny List for June 7, 2022 (Dollar General)
Dollar General Penny List for May 31st!
Dollar General More Frozen Food Pennies YMMV!
Dollar General Frozen Food Surprise Pennies!
Dollar General Penny List for May 17th
Dollar General: Huge list of Surprise Pennies UPC’s
Dollar General – lot of Surprise Pennies being found!
May 10, 2022 the Tuesday Penny List
April 26, 2022 the Tuesday Penny List
April 19, 2022 the Tuesday Penny List
April 5, 2022: Dollar General: no new Penny List – St Patrick’s 25¢ and other markdowns.
March 15, the Tuesday Penny List
March 8, No scheduled Penny List
March 1, 2022 the Tuesday Penny List
Feb 22, 2022 the Tuesday Penny List
Feb 15, 2022 Tuesday Penny List #1
Feb 15, 2022 Tuesday Penny List #2
Feb 8, 2022 Tuesday Penny List
Feb 8, 2022 Tuesday NCI store Penny List
Feb 1, 2022 Tuesday Penny List
Jan 18, 2021 Tuesday Penny List
Dec 28, 2021 Tuesday Penny List – surprise items added to this post!
Dec 7, 2021 Tuesday Penny List
Nov 30, 2021 Tuesday Penny List
Nov 30, 2021 Surprise Penny List
Nov 23, 2021 Tuesday Penny List
Nov 2, 2021 Tuesday Penny List
Nov 2, 2021 Surprise Penny List
Oct 26, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Oct 19, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Oct 12, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Oct 5, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Sep 28, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Sep 21, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
Sep 21, 2021 – Surprise Penny?
Sep 7, 2021 – Tuesday Penny List
July 6 – Another Surprise Penny
June 8 – Tuesday NCI store only penny list
June 1 – a few surprise pennies!
May 4 – Tuesday NCI store penny list
May 4 – Tuesday NCI surprise penny list
April 27 – surprise penny list
NCI stores can be found by looking in the DG app.
March 9 – no list
We have had a bunch of surprise pennies this week! Check out our Facebook page or the Penny Puss app with DG Penny Finder for pictures!
Jan 26 – two regular store penny lists
Dec 15 – compilation of surprise pennies
Nov 10th – surprise penny list
Nov 3rd – food/snacks/candy penny list
Surprise pennies being found starting Oct 13
No scheduled list for Oct 13
Aug 4th – ASOTV list that were suprise pennies!
July 21st and the intimates surprise penny list!
July 14 – NCI Store only penny list
July 9, Thursday Surprise Pennies
June 23 – no pennies, but new 90%
May 9, 2020 – lots of new surprise pennies this week!
May 8, 2020 – surprise pennies!
May 5, 2020 Surprise Penny List! – this list is in our Facebook group due to the nature of the product.
April 21, 2020 NCI Home Store List
Check the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder for the missing weeks as they were not posted due to Covid-19.
March 23, 2020 – see details.
March 17, 2020 – NCI Home Store List
March 10, 2020 surprise pennies!
Clearance Event Feb 28 – Mar 1
Feb 25 – no new pennies, but new 90% off clearance!
Feb 18th – no new pennies, but markdowns up to 70% off
Feb 11th – may only be for select stores
Jan 28 – not a penny, but a dime!
Jan 21 – not a penny, but a quarter!
Jan 7 – surprise Tuesday morning list!
Dec 6 Surprise Penny List (Home stores)
Dec 3 list is confirmed!
Dec 3 Dollar General Penny List – yellow dot toys plus additional unmarked and mismarked toys! Some items that look like toys might be accessories. Check with the Dollar General App for real time prices.
Nov 26 Dollar General Penny List
For Nov 19 Dollar General Penny List:
1. Clip your DG digitals – lots of OTC med coupons!
2. Check back to see if a “surprise” list is posted here in the morning.
3. Have the new Dollar General Penny Policy handy.
4. PLEASE remember that there are possible limits on over the counter meds. Do NOT argue with employees if they can only sell you a couple. Do NOT ask them to do additional transactions for these items. We do not want employees to get in trouble over medicine laws.
Nov 8-11 End of Season Clearance Event & Nov 9-16 Toy Sale
For today’s (Oct 15 lists, please scan with your Dollar General APP to see if these will be pennies in your store.)
This is the UPC for the toaster pastries on the list.
and …
UPDATE: See Sep 17 list below … the items that did not penny previously, are pennies this morning on Oct 8!
Check your rugs and let us know what you find! See the UPC below to figure out if your store is one of the select stores that pennied!
Home items are for select home stores. Ymmv
You can check this UPC with your Dollar General App to see if they will ring as a penny in your store. This will not tell you if they have them, just if they will ring a penny IF they are in your store. Be sure to change your preferred store in the app to the one you want to check.
UPDATE: The summer foods and patriotic balloons are showing a penny as of 5 am Tuesday morning. The suncare, however, is still showing full price. You can always check with your DG Go or Dollar General app to be sure.
Plus, don’t forget to use your military/veteran discount!
I have started to link the dates so this post will load quicker and will be easier to navigate.
June 17
Father’s Day Balloons should penny.
June 18
- Margaret Holmes 15 ounce can Seasoned Field Peas and Snaps 041443023232
- Margaret Holmes 14 ½ ounce can Okra, Corn, and Tomatoes 041443110437
- Please do not copy and paste Penny Puss content. Thank you!
- Comfort Creek Food 15 ounce can Dumplings and Chicken 019722824948
- Heinz Yellow Mustard must have the white cap 14 oz 013000002127
- Oscar Mayer Bacon Bit 2 1/4 ounce pouch 044700075692
If you want to see pictures, go to the June 18 DG Penny List post or buy the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.
- Duncan Hines Brownie Mix – not sure if this is a box or pouch 644209425228
- Nestea Raspberry Ice Tea 23 ounce bottle
- 88130314389 and Sweet Tea 23 ounce bottle 088130314679
- You are always welcome to link to this page.
- Saluu Aloe Drink 16.9 ounce bottle 855735005451 and Mango Aloe 16.9 ounce bottle 855735005475
- Trueliving brand acrylic picture frame (F372) 2 by 3 inch 400030340228
June 11
Oh no! We have no new pennies!
But, the electronics (list below May 28th penny list) should go to 90% tomorrow! Also, some of the UPC’s are not correct. Look for the green diamond electronics if you can’t match the UPC. And, there is no hurt in asking for a price check since they are not penny items.
I will be needing UPC’s and pictures for the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. I’d like to have it updated before these get to a penny!
Happy shopping!
Mother’s Day along with 2 canned food items should penny June 4th.
Libby’s Cut Green Beans 37100033188
Bush’s Best Chili Beans 39400016908
We have a new penny list for May 28. The stores are supposed to dispose of these items, so it is always possible that they may ring up as “no sale” or as “not found”. Please remember that we have no affiliation with DG and there is absolutely nothing you can do if they ring this way. The only way to buy an item for a penny is if it rings up as a penny.
So here is the penny list for tomorrow, May 28th. I hope you all had a safe weekend! Also, the Dollar General Clearance Event starts this Friday. Keep an eye out for a post about that in the next day or so!
1¢ (5/28)
Wonderful Pistachio Tube Roasted Salted fr end 014113913447
Jack Links Breakfast sausage twin pack orig fr end 017082883063
Hersheys Cookie Layer Crunch MIn fr end 034000343430
Malteser Malt Ball peg bag 2.37 oz 040000527817
New markdowns for 5/28:
70% off
Select electronics
SEGA game console genesis 400043082504
Spiderman headphone 92298919324
Frozen Boombox 92298930411
My Little Pony Headphone 92298933290
Shopkins Boombox 92298933825
Shopkins Headphones 92298933818
Doc McStuffins Headphones 92298919287
Cars Headphones 92298933283
Sentry Earbuds 080068548768
Vivatar Capture Cam IP Security 681066506066
Art + Vision Basic Headset and Headset w/ headphones 680079450007 680079450014
Vivitar Headphones bluetooth 681066332702
Xtreme Karaoke Mic LED BT speaker 805106210755
Polaroid Wifi speaker voice enabled 680079714925
Emerson HD tablet 7 inch 680079875671
iWorld Earbuds w/ case 8408241121587
iWorld Earbuds metal 840824121570
70% off
Inspired baking
Baked with love candy melts choc 672125051887 white 672125051894
Baked with love cupcake deco kit 672125052273
Baked with love icing bag 672125052280
Baked with love candy mold 672125052303 heart 672125052287
Baked with love cookie scoop 672125052457
Baked with love baking PDQ 672125061664 – the PDQ upc usually ends up not being anything. I think it’s the display box upc.
Cinnamon Gooey Bites Bowl 5.5 oz 858312002959
Memorial Day Flowers
I am guessing Mother’s Day is staying at 70% for now as I have not heard any different.
Happy shopping!
May 21 penny shopping list:
Easter including candy and plates/napkins should penny. Please note that the blue and lilac pastel plates/napkins are NOT included.
May 14 penny list:
We are not affiliated in any way with Dollar General. Please note that we give you the best information that we can, but DG could change anything at any time. Also, please go to Penny Puss APP and click on the link to the basics of penny shopping if you are new. There are too many new shoppers that don’t understand the process and ask employees about penny items.
Country Time Drink Mix Sweet Tea 18.3 oz 043000078730
Crystal Light on the go Grape 1.4 oz 043000041918
IBC Singles to go Cherry Cola 6 ct 072392324941
Wylers Light Singles to go pink lemonade 8 ct 072392352234
Wylers Light Single to go Strawberry Lemon 8 ct 072392352265
Yoo Hoo Chocolate Milk Caramel 3 ct 072350000467
Bumble Bee Kit w/ Crackers Chicken BBQ 3 oz 086600704043 *
Southgate Stew Beef 15 oz 071846784157
Bush’s Baked Beans Pop Top 8.3 oz 039400016069
These are stock pictures and the actual product packaging may vary in store.
May 13 – Mother’s Day Balloons pennied.
May 10 penny list – brown dot home and carry over gift sets. There are exclusions in the brown dot. Purple cat face sequin pillow is NOT included. The big character square plush chairs are NOT included. There are a couple bead pillows that are also not included. A few of the gift sets that are included have black and white round price stickers. Also, not ALL purple squares are included.
This additional list should also penny today. There is an additional one that has Country Time Lemonade on it and THAT list should be for Tuesday. I am not posting it yet, because I don’t want to confuse anyone.
May 7th DOLLAR GENERAL PENNY LIST IS HERE! Check it out! Remember that these will not penny until Tuesday – there is no early activation, and that they could possibly not penny at all. We do not have any affiliation with Dollar General and only use the best information that we have right now. With that said, please visit Penny Puss APP if you are new to penny shopping. There are basics to know besides not talking about pennies to employess and NOT hiding stuff!
Tuesday’s list is for blue and gray dot clothing, shoes, and accessories as well as this list of socks and pantyhose that is on clearance right now. These items are supposed to be pulled from the shelves, but we find what is missed. It is Dollar General’s policy to sell what is in your cart. However, if you ask for a price check, they do NOT have to sell to you. This is considered “fishing” for pennies. Your store may vary how they deal with things, but I am telling you policy.
One great reason to have the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder is that I will send out an alert in the morning if a list does not penny. This way, you save yourself from embarrassment of taking a bunch of stuff to the register and then having to put it all back. And, PLEASE DO PUT IT BACK! It is NOT the employees fault if something does not penny. These employees are overworked as it is and they do not need the extra work from you!
I have placed this list under the May 7 heading in the Penny Puss App with DG Penny Finder, but the UPC’s are not searchable yet. You can browse the list through the app or here for now. The gray dots that are EXCLUDED and will definitely NOT ring a penny are the Charles Albert slippers as well as the kids critter tights. I also believe the adult tights that have a box-like packaging are excluded too, but I need to check on those.
If an item does not ring a penny, do NOT try to get them to change it to a penny. It is just NOT a penny!
So, you will be looking for blue dot or gray dot (on tag) clothing, shoes, and accessories as well as this list:
Gildan GP10MA men socks ankle white size 6/12 10 ct 883096141860
Gildan GP10MC mens socks crew white size 6/12 10 ct 883096141877
Gildan GP10MA Mens socks angle blk/gray size 6/12 10 ct 883096141891
Gildan GP10LNS ladies socks ankle white size 4/10 10 ct 883096141907
Gildan GP10LA ladies socks ankle white size 4/10 10 ct 883096141914
Gildan GP6MA mens socks ankle white size 6/12 6 ct 883096147640
Gildan GP6MC mens socks crew white size 6/12 6 ct 883096147657
Gildan GP6MA mens socks ankle black size 6/12 6 ct 883096147671
Gildan GP6MC mens socks crew b/w size 6/12 6 ct 883096147688
Gildan GP6LNS ladies socks no show b/w size 4/10 6 ct 883096147947
Gildan GP6LA ladies socks ankle white size 4/10 6 ct 883096147954
Gildan GP6LNS ladies socks no sho b/w size 4/10 6 ct 883096147958
Gildan GP6BA boys socks ankle white size 3/9 6 ct 883096148197
Gildan GP6MC mens socks crew black size 6/12 6 ct 883096200994
Basics Socks E05 Queen low cut 5 ct asst 691466633668
Gildan GP10MC mens socks crew black 6/12 10 ct 883096201007
Sheer Breeze 36SUQS pantyhose ultra suntan Q 1 ct 883096340676
Sheer Breeze 36OBQS pantyhose ultra oblack Q 883096340737
Sheer Breeze 35BEQS pantyhose silky beige Q 1 ct 883096340799
Sheer Breeze 35BEQS pantyhose day beige Q 883096340911
Sheer Breeze 33SURE pantyhose day suntan reg 883096340935
Sheer Breeze 33SUQS pantyhose day suntan Q 883096340942
Sheer Breeze 33BLRE pantyhose day black reg 883096340966
Sheer Breeze 33BLQS pantyhose day black Q 883096340973
Sheer Breeze 34BERE knee hi beige reg 4 ct 883096340980
Sheer Breeze 34BEQS knee hi beige Q 4 ct 883096340997
Sheer Breeze 34SURE knee hi suntan reg 4 ct 883096341000
Sheer Breeze 34SUQS knee hi suntan Q 4 ct 883096341017
Sheer Breeze 34BLRE knee hi black reg 4 ct 883096341024
Sheer Breeze 34BLQS knee hi 4 ct 883096341031
Sheer Breeze 32BLRE ladies socks trouser black reg 1 ct 883096341048
Sheer Breeze 32BLQS ladies socks trouser black Q 1 ct 883096341055
Sheer Breeze 34OBRE knee hig offblk reg 4 ct 883096343646
Sheer Breeze 34OBQS knee hi off black Q 4 ct 883096343653
Gildan GP10LA ladies socks ankle tip size 4/10 10 ct 883096347422
Gildan GP6MMC mens socks midcrew white size 6/12 6 ct 883096347538
Gildan GP6MNS mens socks no sho white size 6/12 6 ct 883096350033
Gildan GP6MNS mens socks no show black size 6/12 6 ct 883096350040
Gildan GP10MNS mens socks NS black/gray size 6/12 10 ct 883096350095
Gildan GP10MLC mens socks low cut black/gray size 6/12 10 ct 883096350101
Sheer Breeze 31BLOS foot cover black 3 count 628159300026
Sheer Breeze 31BEOS foot cover beige 3 count 628159300033
Sheer Breeze 33OBRE pantyhose reg day Sheer Breezelk 1 ct 628159300354
Sheer Breeze 33OBQS pantyhose Q day Sheer Breezelack 1 ct 628159300378
Sheer Breeze 33BEQP pantyhose Q day Sheer Breezeeige 1 ct 628159300392
Sheer Breeze 33SUQP Pantyhose Q day sheer stan 1 ct 628159300408
Sheer Breeze 36OBQP pantyhose ultra oblk 1 ct 628159300415
Sheer Breeze 36SUC pantyhose ultra suntan 1 ct 628159300460
I hope you are having a great weekend with the Dollar General Clearance Event winding up to a close today! You still have a little bit of time left!
I’m not sure on additional markdowns yet, but this is where they stand today:
Brown dot home is 70% off.
Easter 50% including candy.
Happy shopping!
Tuesday, April 30th. This is not a sale. They go to a penny so that the store can check and figure out which items need to be pulled.
Febreze car air freshener singles fresh twist cranberry 037000933007 fresh twist pine 037000960386
DG Hardware Timer mechanical 430000853571
Green 3 outlet cord 430000853588
Outdoor timer 430000853915
Floor tapper extension cord 430000853953
DG Hardware power switch remote control 430000853960
Bell Howell PowerSeries lights including:
Power Series LED work light 080313022586
Power Series LED switch light 080313022890
Power Series headlamps 080313022906
Power Series peel stick LED lights 080313022883
Prestone De-icer spray 11 oz and trigger 052948004824 797496659651
Hand warmers, toe warmers, body warmers 096506072047 096506072023 096506072016 (096506074201)
Ice scraper f15 430000453573 400043598326 – there may be additional UPC’s for this one.
Ice scraper 072358170018
Truliving Snow Brush Suv w/ scraper 430000596942
Ice scraper with brush 400025393857
Frost King plastic sheeting 077578055855
Duck Brand Window Kit Shrink 3 ct 075353080733
Kid’s licensened snow shovel 033149023463 – most likely additional UPC’s for different characters.
Please remember to send any UPC’s and pictures we don’t have to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder! Thank you!
Draft stoppers 815803021981 812531023195 815803021974
Draft stopper 430000606849
Dual side draft stopper 814387024418
Duck Tape extreme weather 075353308738
Duck window shrink kit 2 count 075353126004
Extreme start Fire starter 1 pack 041525010303
Emsco sled snow 48 in 072358610576
I have not seen anyone get the sled. So, I’m not sure it’s included. It might be an error. Remember YMMV!
Also, I am going to address the food list that I have seen going around to penny tomorrow. We are erring on the side of caution. These items may not penny. I was told by an employee that these items were supposed to be pulled a couple weeks ago. Also, they may not even be clearance at your store. We are always hoping for lots of pennies, but we don’t have this info from a reputable source, and I am not posting it.
My goal for posting the penny list has always been to curb misinformation.
Thanks and happy shopping!
The Dollar General Penny List for tomorrow, April 23 has only 2 items on it!
IMPORTANT: Before I start into the pennies and new markdowns, I would like to ask that you all PLEASE start sending the markdowns NOT JUST PENNIES to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder! Take a picture and scan the UPC and tell us what type of markdown! This will help us get a jumpstart on adding before they get to a penny. Yes, we want all seasonal markdowns, not just pennies! Just be sure to mark them as such so that we know they are markdowns and not pennies.
Okay, so thank you in advance for updating the app … and here is our 2 item penny list for tomorrow!
DG women’s laxative 30 ct 359726122313
Summers Eve medicated 2 pk 4.5 oz 41608087437
Yes, only 2 things, but we have some new markdowns too!
If you would like to see prior list from this year, you can go here:
Dollar General Penny Shopping List 2019
Some surprise pennies may not be in the list and will only be found in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. Remember (as always) YMMV. Your Mileage May Vary … in other words, items may vary in price from one store to another. We try to only add pennies that are at all stores. When stores remodel, sometimes items penny only at that particular store. Also, occasionally pennies are regional. Okay, back to markdowns!
Additional markdowns include a new schedule for blue and gray dot markdowns. Blue and gray dot clothing, shoes, and accessories should ring between 25¢ and $2.
It also looks like the beauty gift sets will FINALLY start their markdown process! I know we have all been waiting for this! They should ring at 25% off!
Easter should start markdowns today, but they are not yet showing on, so I’m not sure what’s going on. Sometimes the website and store vary, but they may be switching things up there too!
Easter candy, Easter stationary and books should start at 25% off. Easter seasonal should start at 50% off.
These are ALL items we need for the app! Please start sending them to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder now … but remember to let us know that they are markdowns and not pennies. If you do not have the app, you can help us (and other shoppers) by posting in our group *Friendly* DG Penny Shopping on Facebook.
Thank you all for all your help and happy shopping!
There are no new pennies scheduled for tomorrow, but people are still finding new “surprise” pennies since last Tuesday. I found some good pennies today! Just finished my taxes up this afternoon and headed to a store that I have not been to in a while.
Additionally, I don’t believe that there are any new changes to clearance markdowns at this time.
Brown dot home should stay at 70% off.
Gray and blue dot clothing, shoes, and accessories should stay at 70% off not to exceed $3.
The wine glass is from when Valentine’s Day pennied, the stickers and locks were back to school/red dot pennies.
April 9 pennies include:
- Novelty St Patrick’s Day items including necklaces, headbands, bracelets, tattoos, and such.
- Also these cosmetic items should also penny:
LA Color BP shadow wine shimmer cmc 285 081555302856
Lip Smackers Marvelfr end 50051810622 Finding Dory 50051800487
Belle Foam rollers medium 12 ct 024576731540
Fructis conditioner curls nutri 12-13 oz 603084463350
Belle aa09 durag black 1 ct 019663001927
Maybelline d/l concealer 310 highlight radiant 041554275698 light nude 330 041554275711
Grecian 5 hair color jet black 011509040138
Belle headwrap animal fabric 430000287765
Belle cosmetic brush brow 400029427206
Loreal conditioner total repair 5 trial size 3 oz
UPDATE: Additional items that are being found (surprise pennies). Some items are completely different than what were on the list and other items are additional colors. These have been added to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.
- Lip Smackers Marvel 050051810646 050051810622 Finding Dory 050051800487 050051810578 050051810561 hulk 050051810653 iron man 050051810639
- Expressions foam rollers 12 ct 024576731601
- Expressions satin durag 190425011337
- Maybelline d/l concealer 310 highlight radiant 0415542705698 light nude 330 041554275711 ivory 041554275681 buff 041554275704
- Grecian 5 hair color jet black 011509040138 med brown 011509040107 black 011509040121 dark brown 011509040114
- Belle cosmetic brush brow 082121807539 082121807355
- Loreal conditioner and shampoo (also pennied) total repair 5 trial size 3 oz 071249314043 071249314050
- Belle 6 brush value kit 082121807966
- VS Vidal Sassoon Hair Color 9WV 037000644217 4GN 037000644224 4RV 037000644194 2VC 037000689393 1BB 037000888307 4 037000848523
- Broadway brow kit Brow kit 731509685091
- Conair heat resistant storage pouch 074108321657
- Spot shot carpet stain remover 074405099167
- LA colors eyeshadow water lily 081555744441
- DG Body Disposable System Blade 842424002525
- Altoids Arctic Wintergreen Cool Mints 22000109057 02276801
- Winterfresh gum 02217808
- Friskies 12 oz cat food surfin and turfin 050000961610
- Covergirl 282 daring nudes 022700471584
Fall and winter hardware including items such as the plastic sheeting roll, boot tray, and similar items should go to 90%. I don’t have an exact list on what is included this year but they are seasonal items. Previous years included plastic window covering, de-icer, snow scraper, hand warmer, and winter mats.
As far as we know, the brown dot home as well as blue and gray dot clothing, shoes, and accessories should stay at 70%.
April 2 pennies include:
Clover Valley brand
Holiday Blend Kcups 12 ct 021600105179
Hot Cocoa Kcups 12 ct 021600105186
Caramel Kcups 12 ct 021600105193
St Patrick’s Day items should go to 10¢
Fall and winter hardware should go to 70%.
Brown dot home should stay at 70%
Blue and gray dot clothing, shoes, and accessories should stay at 70%.
March 26 Penny List (select Hostess from Birthday Shipper). Remember that we are not affiliated with DG and will not know for certain if the Hostess penny until tomorrow. We are 99% right … but sometimes Dollar General mixes things up.
Hostess Birthday Cupcakes 888109113858
Hostess Salted Caramel Cupcakes 888109111144
Hostess Strawberry Cupcakes 888109110840
Those 3 should penny. Also brown dot home should go to 70% off and St Patrick party should be 25¢.
Backpacks seem to be resetting back to full price.
There are also new changes coming to the DG app! The new version is supposed to be available for download sometime between 3/25 and 4/2. I keep checking the app stores, but nothing yet! We’ll keep you posted!
March 19 Penny List contains just 2 items. This is what you will see right now in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder under the “latest updates”.
UPDATE Tuesday morning:
- Mr Clean All Purpose Cleaner with Gain Scent Moonlight Breeze 24 oz 37000748120
- Mr Clean All Purpose Cleaner with Gain Scent Moonlight Breeze 48 oz 37000748151
- UPDATE: 40 oz has also been confirmed.
These 2 items say for select stores only. So, be aware that they may not be available at all stores or may not penny at all stores. We will find out more when people start getting them or trying them tomorrow.
St Patrick’s Day should go to 50%.
March 12 Dollar General Penny List includes calendars and planners. We also had 2 Surprise pennies. Hefty Storage Solutions containers 29 qt and 15 qt.
UPDATE: All of the calendars are in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. If I have missed any item, please share through the app so it can be updated! It is extremely importand that app users participate in keeping the app updates as I can only update IF I know an item pennies or resets. And, a HUGE thank you to those who already do help!
Pretty much any calendar that is 2019 and the to do lists with the green price tag in the upper right corner should penny tomorrow.
This is what is included:
Planner Moms Busy
Wall Calendar Moms Busy
16 m Calendears 2019 asst
Pocket planners 2019 asst
To Do List 2019 asst
Desk calendar 2019 asst
Monthly planner vinyl asst 2019
Weekly planner vinal asst 2019
Daily planner 2019
Tabbed planners 2019
Month planner print 2019
Hang foil calendar 2019
Wall calendar mini 2019
The “To Do List” will be the ones with the green price tag in the upper right corner, not the ones with the yellow and black label.
Happy Shopping!
I, personally, will not be shopping for penny calendars! I still have a bag of the 18-19 pocket planners from last year! I bought a couple at 90% … and that is all I need!
Anyway, you all might want them for cutting pictures out or some craft. I’m sure they do have a use … and well, it’s just fun buying pennies!
March 5 DG Penny List:
- Select Back to School
- Red dot (which falls under BTS)
- Select lunch boxes
- Select pillows following Valentine’s and red dot (besides the obvious red dot pillows)
- Select backpacks
- Valentine’s Day candy, merchandise, and socks.
Please note: These items are EXCLUDED and will not markdown.
Domestics Body Pillow Faux Fur EXCLUDED
Domestics Deco Pillow Faux Fur EXCLUDED
Domestics Bed Pillow Faux Fur EXCLUDED
Domestics Sequin Pillow Heart EXCLUDED
Domestics Oblong Pillow Beaded EXCLUDEDDomestics Bed Pillow Kids EXCLUDED
Gift sets are NOT included in Valentine’s Day.
As you can see, I have already started adding items to the Penny Puss APP w/ DG Penny finder. You can find more about the app at Penny Puss APP If you have the app, please share your finds through the “share your finds” tab at the bottom of the app or share in our Friendly DG Penny Shopping Facebook Group where we have gift card drawings. See details on how to enter on the post in the group.
I hate to have to address this again, but I am hearing more and more o people leaving full carts of merchandise at the register for employees to put back. This is unacceptable behaviour. We promote respect for the stores and their employees.
Important updates:
UPDATE: One of our group members messaged me to say that the sunscreens that pennied about a month ago are now resetting back to full price. YMMV
UPDATE: Valentine’s Hostess also pennied today, Feb 26th.
These have already been added to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.
New Dollar General Penny List for Feb 26th. Please remember that these will not be pennies until Tuesday, there is no early activation. Also, If you are new to penny shopping, please remember that these are supposed to be pulled and we only find what they miss. We also have additional markdowns! I can’t wait till Tuesday!
Nescafe K-cups Classico 12 ct Penny Puss 028000418137
Kelloggs Special K Pretzel Cashew 1 ct 038000007354
Kelloggs Pop Tarts Strawberry 2 ct 038000317316
Kelloggs Pop Tarts Brown Sugar Cin 2 ct Penny Puss 038000311314
Happy Shopping and please respect the stores!
Feb 20th.
The Dollar General Penny List has been updated with “surprise” pennies. These are also updated in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. If you don’t have the app, you can screenshot the picture to keep on your phone. Dollar General clearance markdowns are also noted in this post.
Surprise pennies are pennies that are not scheduled but found accidentally.
I have added these items to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. If you do not have the app, you can do screenshots to save these on your phone.
Sundown Naturals Kids 030768684556
Jolly Rancher Triple pop 010700170422
Tylenol cold max 8 oz 300450269089
I have been told by a couple people that this is NOT a penny. Covergirl brow pencils 510 022700062645.
LA Color Lips BC146 081555731465
Wet n Wild Mascara C143 and C147 077802414311 077802414717
Rexall toe spacer 034197013628
Emergen-C 076314510085
If anyone knows of additional surprise pennies or pennies that are not in the app, please help me add them. I thank everyone who works together in our Facebook group and behind the scenes to keep everything updated! I appreciate you all! ♡♡♡
February 19th.
Addtionally, these home decor items will be 40% off.
Ombre Candle Brth Freshair 15 oz upc ends in 8771
Ombre Candle Lemon Macaroon 15 oz ends in 8757
Truliving Wax melt Vanilla Caramel, and Linen Coconut 4010 4003
Essential oil peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Enchanting, Boost, Defense, Balanced, and Serene 1192 1185 1178 1154 1147 1130 1116 1109
This is the huge Dollar General Penny List starting Tuesday, Feb 21! Check it out! These are all confirmed and in the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder. Good luck!
Nutritional List:
Caltrate 600mg+D Tablets 60ct. 300055509191
DG Health A0292 M/Vit Complete-Tabl 130ct 370030640225
Ester-C Charge Quick Dissolve 60ct 025077591480
Ester-C Vitamin C 500mg Coated 60ct 025077169702
Natures Bounty Folic Acid 800mg 250ct 074312028434
Rexall A0258 Co Q-10 50mg-Softgels 60ct 301220293419
Rexall A0968 Evening Primrose Oil 60ct 30122073738
Rising Sun Base oil Sweet Almond 4oz 842438100040
RX Naturalist Biotin 1000mcg 60ct 30768681463
RX Naturalist Fish Oil 1000mg Softgel 60ct 30768681562
RX Naturalist Vit B-12 Tr 1500mcg 60ct 30768681524
Medicine List:
Advil Migraine Pain Relief 20ct 305730168205
Alavert 24hr Allergy Relief Quick Dissolve 12ct 305732621135
Alka-Seltzer H/burn Rlf Gummies 36ct 016500566649
Coricidin HBP Flu Relief Max Str-Tabs 10ct 041100808837
DG Health A0187 Cold/Flu DT-Gel 20ct 370030168576
DG Health A0484 Cold/Flu NT- Gel 20ct 370030168583
DG Health A0492 Spray Clear Time 0.5oz 370030658923
DG Health A0824 FA M/Rlf Cld/Sinus-Cplt 20 ct 370030658466
DG Health A0826 FA M/Rlf Sev Cong/Cold 20ct 370030658459
DG Health A0889 Allergy Rlf Max Liq 4 oz 355910998245
DG Health A0919 Pain Rlf RS Softgel Bns 20+4=24ct. 351013173152
DG Health A0921 Pain Rlf XS Softgel Bns 20+4=24ct 351013172155
DG Health Probiotic A1052 Veg Caps 30ct 636652881010
Kaopectate Anti-Diarrheal Caplets 14ct 041167400289
Luden’s Throat Drop Cinnamon 25ct 814832017156
MidNite Sleep Aid Chewable 10ct 346017050103
Motrin PM Ibuprofen Pain Rlf-Cplts 20ct 300450563200
Mucinex Child Cough Relief Mini Melts-Ora 12ct 363824256122
Mucinex FM Cold & Sinus Caplets 20ct. 363824190204
Phillips Laxative Caplets 24ct 312843516731
Rexall A0132 Allergy Children-B/Gum 4oz 715256708340
Rexall A0364 Cutter Tablet 1ct 77602670153
Rexall A0366 Organizr Pill Weekly 1ct. 77602674052
Rexall A0469 Allergy Child DF-Gr 4oz 370030659012
Rexall A0497 Allergy Relief-Tablets 24ct 350844329080
Rexall A0533 Ibuprofen Brown Tablets 50ct 370030659395
Rexall A0639 Epsom Salt – Pouch 1lb 72785107786
Rexall A0669 Sinus Rlf Cng DT-R/R 24ct 350844558084
Rexall A0691 Antacid Smooth-Berry 90ct 368163115291
Rexall A0700 Aspirin 81mg Chewabl 3pk-36ct 368163081138
Rexall A0884 Crusher Pill Deluxe 1ct 77602671488
Rexall Laxative Single Dose 1.5oz 838891010446
Robitussin Cough Relief 12 Hour Grape 3oz 300318753033
Robitussin DM Cough & Chest D&N Liq&Cap 10ct+4oz-1Kit 300312094460
Tums Antacid Tablet Smoothie Berry 12ct 307667250138
Vicks DayQuil Cold & Flu Rlf LiquiCaps 16ct 323900014428
Vicks DayQuil Cold & Flu Rlf Severe-Cplt 12ct 323900038080
Vicks NyQuil Cold & Flu Rlf LiquiCaps 16ct 323900014398
Vicks NyQuil Cold/Cough Rlf Child-Cherry 8oz 323900014336
Xyzal Allergy Relief Tablets 35ct 041167351017
Zantac Acid Reducer 150mg-Tablets 65ct. 681421031059
February 15th.
The stick Valentine balloons have been confirmed as pennies today! These are the UPC’s that we have so far. If you know of others, please let us know so that we can add to the Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder.
The UPC’s in the picture as well as this one: 013051009359.
February 12th.
No new pennies for tomorrow, but Friday the Valentine’s balloons should penny!
I would like to add something this week. Please respect the stores where you shop. Just because you CAN do something does not mean that you should. If an employee is pulling penny items and packing them up, please do not go through what they have already pulled just because they had to walk away and do something else. Also, if a uboat is packed up and the mesh is wrapped around it … it may be technically on the sales floor, but the merchandise is not. This is why the Penny Puss group claims they are the leader in RESPECTIBLE penny shopping. We do not advocate getting pennies at all cost. Please be polite and considerate.
I see people posting that others are just jealous. Umm, no! There are many times that I could have grabbed a ton of stuff “technically” on the sales floor, but I have more dignity than that. So, don’t forget to look for those balloons on Friday!
February 5th penny list is Christmas and New Year’s Party! Other recent lists are further below. Some guidelines if you have not been following the Christmas markdowns.
1. Christmas gift sets – there are NO gift sets. There are small things like holiday bath fizzers, single holiday hand soaps, single ornament body wash or bubble bath, set of 2 holiday emery boards.
2. Fall hardware – these are NOT things to keep your house warm or secure, these are the gifts with YELLOW tags in brown boxes like paper basketball, bottle openers, and aprons.
3. Candles f18 plain tags (not brown dot) – but NOT the small white one that has an angel on it.
4. Most candy that can be sent over to Valentine’s and is NOT included.
5. Kleenex brand Christmas tissues are included, NOT Puffs.
6. Dixie limited edition plates – NOT Dg brand.
7. New Year’s Eve is hats, plates, and napkins.
Dec 29th pennies:
So, here is the penny list!
You can see more about the Penny Puss APP at Penny Puss APP. While the app itself does not have a scanner, you can opt to get a scanner app that can be added to your keyboard. For Android, the app that I use is in the first line of the app itself. For iPhone, if anyone knows a scanner that can be added, please let me know. Thanks!
Previous pennies: January 1st. The list of pennies and markdowns are in the video … and of course in the DG Penny Finder portion of the Penny Puss APP.
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Check out tomorrow’s new discounts at Dollar General!
The Penny Puss APP with DG Penny Finder is a tool for in store use. If you have trouble getting a signal in the store, try going towards the front of the store. That usually works for me. We have no affiliation with Dollar General and post the best information that we have available to us. As always, YMMV.
I hope you all have a happy and safe New Year!
Happy Shopping!
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I would love to recieve your emails of penny list and anything thay you share
To ppl that are honestly interested in watching u closely and learning from you..
Thanks. A million..
I will love also the list of your penny especially clothing coz i jave small kids.holidays.etc.
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
Thank you
Sign up for emails.
Says there is an error in the link.
Please give me a chance to sign up for the email
Thank you
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
I can’t sign up .feed burner problem it says.
you can try the other wordpress email on the right side of the page. it sends emails as they are posted while feedburner is once a day.
Its not letting me the page is down..
Hi, so sorry for the delay. I guess it doesn’t work in the comments. It is at the bottom of this post now.
Would love to get your emails . Enjoys shopping At DG while looking for deals. Thanks !
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
I would really appreciate an email of the penny list and thank you for allowing us to be apart of the group.
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
email penby list
I cannot add in the comments for some reason, please go to the bottom of the penny list post and you can subscribe from there. Thanks!
I would love to get email
You can sign up on the right side of the website. Enter your email. Thanks.
Please add to email list
You can sign up on the right side of the website. Enter your email. Thanks.
Please send me dollar generals penny shopping list as its posted every week.
I’m really excited to get started paying pennies!!!